Code of Ethics and Practice for Members of
the Beeleaf Register:
‘Community for Contemporary Psychotherapy’
Psychotherapy and Hypno-Psychotherapy practised by a Therapist must always be in the best interests of the Client. Therapists must at all times behave in a manner that is consistent with the Code of Ethics set out in this document and as defined by the UKCP and the Hypno-Psychotherapy Section.
1. Relationship with Clients
a) Therapists should value and respect every client as an individual regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, age disability or beliefs.
b) Any Therapist practising psychotherapy and/or hypno-psychotherapy must be clear and honest with the client about their payment terms and conditions including accepted methods of payment and cancellation charges.
c) The Therapist must be open about their training and qualifications and be prepared to show relevant Certificates upon request.
d) Therapists must be willing, on request of the Client to discuss with the Client the style/model of Psychotherapy and/or hypno-psychotherapy that will be used and, where appropriate, the number of sessions required.
e) The Therapist must be aware of his/her own limitations and if necessary discuss with the client the option or need to refer to another Psychotherapist or other specialist.
f) When therapy has been completed or it is felt that the therapy is no longer appropriate to the needs of the client, it is the responsibility of the Therapist to work with the client to bring the therapeutic relationship to an end.
g) Therapists should not exploit the Therapist/Client relationship for sexual, emotional or financial gain.
h) Therapists may not enter into a sexual relationship with the client within the six month period following completion of therapy.
2. Confidentiality and Disclosure of Information
a) Any contact that a Therapist has with any person enquiring about undergoing psychotherapy must remain confidential.
b) Any contact that a Therapist has with a client both during and after therapy must remain confidential.
c) It may be necessary for the Therapist to liase with relevant outside agencies in connection with a client. This referral process should involve the client and in any case the permission of the Client must be sought first.
d) Information held in any format (including computerised) about a client shall be retained by the Member in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
e) Contact by the Therapist regarding the Client’s therapeutic relationship with the member with third parties including relatives and friends of the Client should happen only with the express knowledge and consent of the Client.
Exceptions must be made under the following circumstances:-
I. If the Therapist believes that a client is likely to be a danger to themselves or others.
II. If the Client discloses information to the Therapist about a child currently being abused or in danger of abuse.
III. If the Client discloses information regarding an unsolved murder or a planned murder.
IV. If the Client discloses membership of a terrorist organisation or is involved in a terrorist plot.
V. If a Judge, Coroner or other authorised official requests information.
VI. When the client is under the age of 16 years and in accordance with Child Protection Legislation.
VII. If a Therapist is wishing to use information for research and/or publication of any nature, the permission of the client must be sought first and all efforts to disguise the identity of the client will be made.
3. Indemnity Insurance and Supervision
a) Therapists are expected to obtain appropriate indemnity Insurance as soon as they begin practicing with clients.
b) Therapists must undergo appropriate and regular Clinical Supervision. In most cases this will be a minimum of 2 hours per month of one-to-one or small group meetings (4 or less Supervisees) with a minimum of 20 hours per year attended. Clinical supervisors are chosen by the Therapist however Supervisors must be appropriately qualified (preferably UKCP Registered). A minimum of one third of supervision for Accreditation must be conducted with a Supervisor of appropriate psychotherapeutic modality, e.g. Hypno-Psychotherapy or NLPt.
4. Professional Development
a)It is the responsibility of the Therapist to actively participate in Continuing Professional Development on a regular basis in order to maintain a competent level of practice, in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Members of the BeeLeaf Register. CPD Requirements are currently set by Section to be a minimum of 18 hours per year and may include further training, attendance at conferences, involvement in research and participation in processes of development of the profession of Psychotherapy, such as being a member of a UKCP committee
5. Complaints Upheld and Convictions
a) A Therapist who is convicted of a notifiable criminal offence in a court of law has a duty to report these facts in writing to the BeeLeaf Register. The Therapist shall be suspended from the Register pending further enquiry by the Panel.
b) If a civil complaint is successfully brought against an individual in their capacity as a therapist they shall be suspended from the Register pending further enquiry by the Panel.
6. Advertising and Publicity
a) Therapists shall never falsely claim to have skills, expertise or qualifications that they do not possess, including bought, and accredited post-graduate qualifications.
b) Therapists’ publicity material shall not claim to offer any cure for any condition.
c) No Therapist shall participate in performances of stage hypnosis.
d) Demonstrations within presentations to groups to promote understanding of Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy shall be conducted in a manner that upholds the Ethical Relationship with Clients as above. Demonstrations will not be “set-up” in a way that deceives or withholds information from the audience in such a way as to falsely raise the perception of the Therapists’ skill, influence and efficacy. The Therapist will, prior to any disclosures, verbally engage the members of the group in a contract of confidentiality when any personal information of a participant is disclosed within the demonstration or group activity.
Copyright BeeLeaf Ltd 2004 – 2007