Juggling your way out of anxiety disorders
All you need is your anxiety and a tennis or juggling ball. Brain scan studies have demonstrated that anxiety disorders only occurs in one hemisphere of the brain. If you force both hemispheres of the brain to communicate with some physical actions that involve both sides of the body then the anxiety state can be quickly diminished.
Here’s what you do:
1. Conjure up the state of anxiety (if you are troubled by anxiety you may not need to do much conjuring).
2. Holding your hands out in front of you, elbows bent as if you were holding a tray. Toss the ball back and forth between your hands. The ball must cross in front of you as you catch and throw. As you do this you will find your anxiety level beginning to diminish.
3. After a while stop ‘juggling’ to gauge your level of anxiety. Typically it will be reduced.
4. Continue juggling and checking until the anxiety is reduced to zero.
You can use this process when the anxiety arises or imagine an anxiety provoking situation and reduce the anticipated anxiety.
Here’s a video explanation and demonstration of this approach by Andy Austin on YouTube.
Reproduced with permission from the author Andrew Austin .
If you wish to reproduce this article on your own website or blog, please contact the author. You must include the author details and ensure any web links remain active and unchanged. The copyright remains with the author.
Other Anxiety Disorders and Juggling Related Web Pages
- Effect of juggling therapy on anxiety disorders in female patients
- Can you relieve stress with juggling?
- Help with Anxiety in Manchester