Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS)
This self-rating scale is designed to assess the severity of symptoms in people with depression. Instructions:
- Read each question below carefully and answer all the questions.
- Select an answer that best describes how often you felt or behaved this way during the past several days.
- When you have completed all the questions click the Calculate Score button below.
- Print the results.
- If you scored highly on this test, or you are concerned about your health, then do speak to your doctor or other health professional for a more thorough evaluation.
NOTE: The results of this test are intended as a guide only. They are not intended to be a clinical diagnosis. No diagnosis is being offered. For a formal clinical diagnosis of depression speak with your doctor or other qualified health professional.
Depression Test
William WK Zung. (1965) A Self-Rating Depression Scale. 12: Arch Gen Psychiatry 63-70. 1965.
Assessment Tests on This Website
- Generalised Anxiety Disorder Test (GAD-7)
- Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS – SR)
- PCL-5 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Test
- Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES)
- Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) – OCD Test
- Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) – Depression Test
- Patient Health Questionnaire Quick Depression Assessment(PHQ-9) – Depression Test
Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS).